The House of Representatives

The House of Representatives is the part of congress that is based on the population of each state.  There are 435 members of the House that are each divided among the states by the states population.  Each member of the House is elected to a term of 4 years, which makes them more accountable for their voting and actions in the House.  According to the Constitution, to become a member of the House, one must be at least 25 years old, and be a citizen for 7 years.  Also one must live in the state in which they are trying to be elected in.  To become the Speaker of the House, your party must have the majority, and you also must be voted on by the rest of the members of your party in the House.  Other leaders in the House are the Majority and Minority Leaders, and also, the Majority and Minority Whip.  The Whip's job is to ensure that people are voting the way that they should, being members of the party.